How To Live With Cats And Allergies

This picture. It makes me want to sneeze.
My allergies have gotten so bad, I’ve started to apologize when I sneeze. Ever gotten to that point? Where people around you don’t even bother to say bless you anymore? Where your sneezes come in waves of three, and your pockets/bags are riddled with half-open packages of kleenex? Yea. That’s me.
But even with allergies this severe, ousting my fur children has never once crossed my mind. As a seriously committed pet guardian, I’ve learned to coexist peacefully with my dander-lions and my overactive immune system.
Here’s how I live with cats and cat allergies, and still manage to thrive:
Segregate an area of your house as a “kitty-free” zone (Like your bedroom)
I’ve heard that this is doable, at least. Personally, I don’t know what I’d do without nightly histamine cuddles from my purr-balls, but I don’t doubt that this is a smart tactic to greatly alleviate pet allergy symptoms.
If you’d like to attempt this separation, the first step is to remove all kitty paraphernalia from your room. Go on, shake a broomstick under the bed and fish out every last forgotten sisal mouse. Re-launder all your linens in hot water (ideally any rugs as well), and vacuum thoroughly with a HEPA vacuum (more on that later).
Now comes the hard part: actually keeping the sneaky buggers out. Here’s a straightforward plan of attack:
Keep your door closed at all times, and make a habit of entering/exiting quickly.
Place odor deterrents—like a bowl of vinegar or lemon rinds—by the doorway (don’t you just love the crinkly faces of abject horror cats make when confronted with lemon?).
For more aggressive cat curbing, get yourself an electronic cat deterrent like Ssscat, which sprays a burst of air when your cat gets too close. I’d place one facing horizontally across the threshold, so kitty associates leaning up against, clawing, or jumping up on the closed door with air blasts, but can still walk by unscathed.
Use positive reinforcement (like clicker training) and reward your cat whenever it responds to you directing its attention away from the door.
Ensure that the areas kitty is allowed to be in are super enticing, with lots of toys, beds, and vertical space.
Make sure you’re vacuuming with a HEPA vacuum
HEPA stands for High Efficiency Particulate Arrestance (or Air), with HEPA filters able to trap particles down to 0.3 microns…Ok, getting too technical.
Basically, any pollen, dander, dust mite feces (yum!), and even certain bacteria and viruses floating around gets trapped within the filter, rather than simply being blown around your house. I get tingles just thinking about it, it’s so badass.
Make sure your vacuum has a true HEPA filter, rather than “HEPA-type” or “HEPA-like” filter.
Here’s the one I have. Not gonna lie, sometimes I think my Dyson is more precious to me than my husband.
Brush your kitties often 
Brushing your cats (ideally outside, like in your backyard or a kitty-safe balcony) cuts down on all the rampant, unchecked shedding they like to do in your house.
A slicker brush—like this self-cleaning one by Safari—works great for long-haired cats, but I personally find isn’t as effective on short coats as a de-shedding tool. There are a lot of fancy “brand name” de-shedding tools out there, but this one is half the price and I find works just as well.
Here’s the aftermath of me and Pippin’s short session with our de-shedding tool…
With that said…
When brushing said kitties, throw on a HEPA mask
This part is pretty key. Yes, a mask may make you look kind of like an extra from Outbreak. But trust me, wearing one will significantly reduce the amount of gagging/eye watering/sneezing that goes on. A simple surgical mask works well in a pinch.
If that sounds too intense, you only need to wear the mask for a short stints when brushing your cats or when cleaning out their litter box. By minimizing your allergen contact during these particularly potent moments, you’re reducing your sensitivity levels for the entire remainder of the day.
Cut down on the carpeting
It’s the 21st century! Why do you still have carpet in your house??
I kid. I’m actually an absolute sucker for cute area rugs. My husband goes insane because I insist on swapping them out every few years. (What? The designs are always getting better…)
BUT if you can, eliminate any unnecessary carpets or rugs in your house—or at the very least, choose low-pile or flatwoven carpet.
The fibers in carpet trap 100x more allergens than hardwood flooring does. Madness, right? If you’re not yet ready to part with the sweet, plush 80’s—remember to at least vacuum with a HEPA vacuum!
Get a HEPA air-purifier
Ok, I know it seems like I have a hard-on for HEPA filters, but that’s only because I have a hard-on for HEPA filters. If you’re an allergy sufferer, HEPA filters are the greatest invention since cat TV. Seriously, take my word for it and invest in all-HEPA-everything. It’s guaranteed to change your life.
Here’s the air purifier I have. But there are tons of different kinds available, depending on your room size and desired functionality.
If all else fails, medicate yourself into foggy oblivion
JK, modern allergy meds are actually not bad, and taking your allergy meds regularly is probably a good idea regardless of whether your home sanitation regimen is working or not.
I pop generic Zyrtec (called Aller-Tec), available at Costco for $16, for 365 tablets. It’s SUPER EFFECTIVE!
I hope this was helpful for you. If you’re on the verge of allergies-induced madness, give this regimen a try. And remember, you’re not alone!

Pip asks, what are allergies? Can I eat them?
Learn urself some more:
How to Win The War On Litter Scatter
How to Keep Your Cats From Destroying All Your Things
How to Prevent Your Home From Being Eaten Alive By Cat Fur
My son was very allergic to cats. I have always bathed my cats. My son wanted a cat so badly. We eventually ended up with two (rescued two six week old kittens from a very filthy and abusive home). Upon bringing the kittens home, I bathed them immediately. It became a very hot summer; began to bathe them on a regular basis to cool them down. Kittens loved it so much they began asking for baths. One day my son came into the kitchen holding Oreo in his arms, “Mom, look, I’m not allergic anymore”. He rubbed Oreo across his face which almost gave me a heart-attack. I then realized that it is not the cats he was allergic to but the dander. I have proven this time after time with others that were allergic to cats.
I concur with Mindy- cleaning up your own body (if you have foods that are not good for you) means less stress on your system so it works better. This has actually been proven for people with cat allergies, so Mindy is spot on! =^..^=
I enjoyed this article, so thank you! I have three Honeywell air cleaners, the first one bought when my beloved kitty came down with spring allergies. He was an indoor-only cat, but I quickly learned to keep windows shut in spring and to keep the air cleaner going, handy when I later developed the same allergies to tree pollen and stinky Asian Lilies (my furbaby was my soul mate, so we shared a lot of traits). Now one of my current cats has spring allergies and was recently diagnosed with asthma, so I have to double my efforts.
Sadly, we do still have carpeting, which was supposed to be gone by now (my house is even packed and ready for the flooring people), but pandemic. Which I guess is okay, as I am still trying to find the perfect “let’s not emit formaldehyde forever” wood flooring. It’s harder than it should be. Vinyl plank flooring is the worst; be sure to do your homework before considering.
As for vacuums, I am in love with my Sears Kenmore Pet Friendly Bagless Cannister Vacuum, #22614. Certified HEPA filters and easy to empty outside cannister to keep the dust and pollutants down in the house. I’ve had it for a year and love it even more than my expensive built-in vacuum system at a former house. And the mini-power head actually works! That’s never happened in all my years of vacuums. It’s a blessing for the stairs, which will have to stay carpeted due to design and how many thousands it would cost to convert them to wood and how we’re not part of the 1%. Which is fine, as the cats love them carpeted and we found a fun pattern to use. But who knows when it will be safe to do so.
Stay safe everyone, and hug your cats.
I find my cat allergies are less severe-non existent when & if I avoid eating dairy, eggs, gluten & other lectins, caffeine, and alcohol.
I don’t take any allergy medicine; just avoid foods I know in my heart I have no business consuming anyway.
This is a great insight, Mindy! It’ll be hard to give up so many of my favorite foods and vices, but I bet it makes a huge difference.