Cute Cat Monday: Rosie, the Cat Raised By Huskies

garfield hates mondays


Good morning, fellow cat fanatics! I know, I have no business being this cheery on a Monday morning. But just in case you’ve forgotten, last week we kicked off Cute Cat Monday to help lessen the dull, soul-destroying pain of Monday mornings. I know, I am a walking corporate cliche (I’ve embraced it).

I’ve got a great one for you today!
Without further ado, meet—


Rosie, the cat raised by huskies




lilo and rosie 18

Rosie’s not your average kitty. Found abandoned on the streets as a kitten and on the brink of death, she was quickly taken under the wing by Lilo, one of her new owners’ huskies.



Lilo and Rosie



With lots of cuddles and TLC, Lilo mothered Rosie back to health.




And eventually, she successfully integrated herself as one of the gang –



One of these things is not like the others.












lilo and rosie 19


lilo and rosie 10


lilo and rosie 16


They even go on bike rides together:


rosie 15




Here she is trying to keep up with her husky pack like a champ –





Follow along with Rosie’s husky shenanigans on Instagram:




Happyyy Monday. :]


rosie 14


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*give or take.

6 comments on “Cute Cat Monday: Rosie, the Cat Raised By Huskies”

  1. Diane Ricciardi Stewart says:

    I remember reading about Rosie. What a great story!! Love them all!! ♥♥♥

    1. Why Cat Why says:

      Me too! Animal goals, all day.

  2. Ellen Pilch says:

    That is so sweet. Rosie is adorable and the huskies are too.

    1. Why Cat Why says:

      Right? Something about unlikely animal friendships just gets me!

  3. OMC! Rosie is TOO cute!

    1. Why Cat Why says:

      I know! I want my own husky-cat…

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