Cute Cat Monday: Fatty & Skinny, the Inseparable Kitty Brothers

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You didn’t think I’d forget about us in our moment of need (Monday morning), did you? Here we are, right on time for our weekly dose of (brain) coffee & catnip.


If you missed the previous two installments of Cute Cat Monday, check them out below-

Toco, the Japanese tabby & her humans

Rosie, the fearless stray & her dog pack


Today’s face melting cuteness is brought to you by Anya Yukhtina, an event manager from Moscow. Meet her two kitties, brothers—


Fatty & Skinny


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Fatty and Skinny were found in the garden of a friend’s country house, with no momma in sight.


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Anya administered medicine and bathed them every day.


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Until they were finally nursed back to health…


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(Although it appears they haven’t lost their affinity for the bathroom.)




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They’ve since repaid her by being utterly adorable and constantly in the way (as cats will do).


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Goals. So much goals.


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Follow the beautifully-photographed adventures of Anya, Fatty, and Skinny on Instagram:




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Have a beautiful week!



Subscribe below to get carefully-curated cuteness (is there any better kind?) in your inbox Monday mornings. Guaranteed to make the very next person you see fall in love with you. For better or worse.

6 comments on “Cute Cat Monday: Fatty & Skinny, the Inseparable Kitty Brothers”

  1. Sabina says:

    Those babies are so adorable!!

    1. Why Cat Why says:

      I know, I wish my cats would lie still on my lap while I played video games..!

  2. oh those photos are precious! Thank you for sharing! following her on Instagram now.

    1. Why Cat Why says:

      Her feed is so beautiful, even without the epic cuteness!

  3. OMC! Those two are just the cutest! Well, next to us, of course. 😉

    1. Why Cat Why says:

      I know! I’m such a sucker for ginger cats :p

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