CCM: The Funniest Cat Gifs On The Interwebs
Cats make excellent gif fodder. They’re cute. They’re nimble. But most of all—they’re hilarious.
Today, let’s have a hearty belly laugh at the expense of our cats. Because watching your cats putter around the house is often better than watching TV.
Below, I present:
16 of my absolute favorite cat gifs of all time
Y’all will be familiar with this. The midnight crazies. (Sometimes not so midnight. Sometimes just crazy.)
A cat gif world classic. Kitty asks politely to be petted. :] Good kitty. Smart kitty.
What are twins for, if not to mess with each other??
Overenthusiastic dog meets, well… basically every cat in the world.
Swagger can only take you so far. Spacial awareness will take you farther.
Maru. Lover of boxes. Legend. Supreme lord of roundness.
Me, in every college lecture since the dawn of time.
This cat is cooler than you or I will ever be.
I suppose this is a kitty’s version of sleepwalking.
O hai…hai mom.
Another classic. The patty-cake cats!
How to scare the crap out of all your cats at the same time.
Ah shiet. I broke it. I knew it. I knew I wasn’t ready to be a parent.
Hey lady, watching your cat turn the lights off is far more entertaining than that shuffle-dance you’re doing.
Human cameraman, I choose you.
And last but not least:
What else, but Maru-chan again? He is the original cat gif. :]
That’s all for this week’s cuteness!
Stay tuned next Monday for another batch of cat-filled hilarity, guaranteed to start your week off better than coffee ever could.*
so cute.I wish my cat did that when I was sick!
oh yeh my cat can do one of them.
Cat lover
🐈⬛🐈 lover
all of the gifs were so adorable😄
excellent!! Love Maru!! keep the laughs coming!! ♥♥♥
😀 After a crappy day, a tiny dose of Maru fixes everything.
Soooooo goooooood!!!!!!!!!!!
I laughed until my face hurt!!
The best kind of laugh!! Cat-induced laughs 😀
Those are pawsome! Love the skateboarding cat.
Isn’t it just so effortlessly cool?
Yea it is,I am a 100% cat lover;].