Cat Things
7 Things You Can Make With a Box (That Your Cat Will Go Bonkers For)
If you're a fan of buying things online, like I know you are (because I assume everyone in the world is like me), ...
How to DIY hack the crap out of your cat-filled life
Brace yourself, kids. A cat D-I-Y megapost is headed your way. If you know me, you know that I'm a firm believer in not ...
Cat Treats: What To Indulge, What To Avoid
Kitty treats are a great way to break up the monotony of a cat's day. Napping, stretching out in the sun, and ...
Cat Care Cheat Sheet: A Simple Guide to Cat Parenthood
There's a mewling kitten in a box on your lap. Your heart is racing, partly from excitement, partly from ...
The Latest Why Cat Kitty Hacks: Vertical Space Edition
Good morning folks! If you've been following along, you'll know that we've just moved across the country. And with ...
The Latest Why Cat Kitty Hacks: Litter Box Edition
If there's an upside to uprooting your life and relocating across the country, it's the chance to start fresh. And few ...