Hello, world.

Hello world! (Apparently, all first-time blog posts are supposed to start this way.)



A nifty video I took outside our apartment


Thanks for visiting my little labor of love and fanaticism, Why Cat Why. As the snow falls gently on the streets outside, or rather, as New York City experiences a record-setting blizzard of unprecedented fury, I thought I’d take this time to tell you a little about myself. My cats, you’ve met.


I’m Stef. I’m a writer, graphic designer, and animal lover extraordinaire, hailing from the foggy San Francisco bay area. I love oxford commas and I overuse em dashes like nobody’s business. I’ve never watched “The Cove” or “Blackfish” and especially not “Tyke: Elephant Outlaw,” because I know they’d only reduce me to a defeated, blubbering lump of bleakly-oozing snot and misery.

I ascribe to (well, valiantly attempt) a lifestyle that’s both pleasantly crunchy and free of excess. Except when it comes to my cats. Those little gremlins want for nothing in this life.



Here’s a blurry photo of my husband and I getting obliterated on our wedding day.

I’m relentlessly curious and tend to spend hours on google, spiraling down various rabbit holes of “why?” and “how?” and “..but why?” and “but really…why?”

A good amount of this search for answers pertains to questions about my kitties. An even greater amount of this research pertains to all the different things I can put into a pancake.

My fellow cat aficionado and co-conspirator in life and I were married in August of 2015. Since then, we’ve spent many a glorious day hiking the gorges and trails of upstate NY, demolishing bottles of wine while holed up at home, and inventing yoga poses for our cats.


Thanks for reading. I look forward to sharing more cat curiosities, hilarities, and random musings with you.



Until next time!



Have a burning cat question you’d like to see answered? Just have a burning cat?

Leave me a comment below!

(Unless you really do have a burning cat. Should probably see to that first.)

13 comments on “Hello, world.”

  1. Maryam says:

    Hey Team,

    I hope you are doing well!

    I’m Maryam from Digital Eaters

    Wondering if you are looking for highly authoritative content in all respects for your site? I have a team of multiple writers (a blend of native and non-native English speakers) with me, we can provide 50+ articles a month, all well-researched and audience-engaging content. If Yes, feel free to share the price and your requirement.

    Looking forward to collaborating with you

    Warmly Regards,

  2. Cat Exotica says:

    I was very excited to see what you had to offer. Please stay up to date with your blogs and I look forward to visiting again soon to see what new posts you have.

  3. Giullia says:

    Hey Stef! Thank you for your amazing blog. It is very easy to navigate without all those pesty ads xd Do you have an email by any chance where I could get in touch with you? I appreciate it!

  4. Lea Ann Ouimet says:

    Hello and thank you for creating this site! I’m wonder y if you might be able to share the list of foods you narrowed down from the catinfo site? I have a little guy with bladder stone issues and I am very unhappy with the Royal Canin SO diet because I don’t believe it’s a reasonable option for an obligate carnivore. Unfortunately, my vet doesn’t agree and won’t offer any other options. Thank you!

    1. Why Cat Why says:

      Hi Lea, of course! Check out my post here: https://www.whycatwhy.com/cat-food-breakdown-the-best-and-worst/
      I hope it helps! For what it’s worth, I think you’re right to listen to your gut and avoid Royal Canin.

  5. Samantha says:

    Hi There, I loved your article on CKD. I would love some advice if possible. I live in Australia and the food I have been giving my kitty is now being discontinued. It is a minefield here with limited brand options and I am beside myself. I would really appreciate it if you would steer me in the right direction. Many thanks in advance, Samantha

  6. Caroline says:

    LOVE your blog! My burning question that I was trying to answer when I happened upon this site: how might separated-as-kittens, neutered brothers who are now 11 years old (one semi-feral the other definitely territory-expansive) get along in the same household as inny-outys with adequate indoor vertical space, wild-man play time, and high quality low carb / no grain / always wet / partially homemade food? I can see it going gloriously and I can see it crashing and burning into misery for everyone. My concern is that one or both of them is a better “only child.” Is there any way to tell?

    1. Why Cat Why says:

      Hi Caroline! Two mature, adult, territorial cats being reunited so late in life doesn’t typically bode well for peaceful cohabitation. However, if I were you I’d try introducing them slowly through scent first and gauge their reaction. More info here: https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/introducing-pets

      Typically, even if their initial reactions to the other’s scent is a hiss/snarl, most cats can be desensitized to at least tolerate the other’s presence through extremely gradual introduction. And given that they’ll be indoor/outdoor cats, they’ll each have plenty of space to avoid each other if necessary (make sure you provide more than one cat door in and out of the house), keeping their litter boxes and food/water stations in separate rooms. Best of luck!

  7. Scotty Smith says:

    Hello Why Cat Why,

    Love the blog. Kind of really enjoyed your footer, as I would completely do the same thing. Fluff is a perfect, as long as it makes the site look better right?


    I noticed you’re just using affiliate links. Have you considered programmatic ads with https://www.ezoic.com?

    Scotty Smith

  8. Sol says:

    Thats amusing. You talking at yourself in the comment section. Got to reading articles forgot how i came to be here. The site not the planet. Right. My brain has informed me it was a chirpy squeaky sound emanating from irratant between purrs.re reading that i realize i implied i got here via ( site not planet) via a squeaky chirpy sound coming from the cat.

    1. Why Cat Why says:

      Hello! Glad your chirpy cat brought you here (even if unintentionally).
      And no, not talking at myself in the comment above. It really is just another human being named Steph (imagine that). ;]

  9. Stephanie says:

    Hello! I’m a fellow Bay Area-based, cat-obsessed Steph who loves Oxford commas and em-dashes. Nice to meet you.

    1. Why Cat Why says:

      Hello Steph! Thanks for stopping by, it’s good to know there are more of us out there. :p

      I just checked out your blog, and it’s amazing! Really love the design and layout!

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